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The Perilous Adventures of British Hedgehogs: How to Be Their Hero

Writer: Hedgehog SanctuaryHedgehog Sanctuary

Updated: Jun 20, 2024

The adorable British hedgehog, with its tiny snuffling snout and endearing prickly exterior, has long held a special place in our hearts. These remarkable creatures play a vital role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem by controlling insect populations. However, our spiky friends face numerous dangers that threaten their survival. In this article, we'll explore the perils hedgehogs encounter and how you can make small but impactful changes to help them thrive.

The Hedgehog's Quirky Vulnerabilities

Hedgehogs, despite their spiny armour, are not invincible. They face a variety of dangers, some of which might surprise you.

Garden Hazards

One of the most significant threats to hedgehogs is our very own back gardens. Garden tools like lawnmowers and strimmers can be lethal for these little creatures. Hedgehogs often seek refuge in tall grass, bushes, or piles of leaves. When we fire up our lawnmowers or strimmers without checking, we may unintentionally harm or kill these hidden hedgehogs. To prevent such accidents, always inspect your garden before using power tools and avoid cutting grass too short.

Netting and Garden Décor

Garden netting and decorations like football goal nets, pond netting, and football nets pose another grave risk to hedgehogs. These animals are prone to getting tangled in such materials while exploring gardens at night. To protect them, make sure to lift netting off the ground or replace it with solid fencing to create an obstacle-free environment.

Discarded Trash

Hedgehogs are known for their curiosity, and this can sometimes lead them into precarious situations. Discarded items like yoghurt pots, cans, and plastic cups often contain remnants of tempting food. Unfortunately, hedgehogs can get their heads stuck inside these containers while trying to lick off the leftovers. To prevent such incidents, ensure that your rubbish is securely disposed of and recycling containers are clean.

Poisonous Substances

Hedgehogs are natural foragers, constantly searching for insects, snails, and worms to satisfy their hunger. Unfortunately, they can come into contact with poisonous substances such as slug pellets and chemicals used in gardens. Opt for organic and pet-friendly alternatives to safeguard both hedgehogs and your garden from harm.

Uncovered Manholes and Pits

Hedgehogs are avid explorers, often navigating through our urban landscapes. Uncovered manholes and pits can be deadly traps for these little wanderers. Always ensure that such openings are adequately secured to prevent hedgehogs from falling in.

Roads and Traffic

One of the most significant threats to hedgehog populations in the UK is road traffic. Hedgehogs often roam far and wide in search of food, mates, and territory. Unfortunately, their nocturnal habits and small size make them especially vulnerable to becoming roadkill. Slow down and stay alert while driving, especially in areas where hedgehogs are known to be active, like suburban neighbourhoods and rural roads.

Making a Difference

Now that we've identified the various dangers that hedgehogs face, let's explore how you can become a hedgehog hero by making small but impactful changes.

Hedgehog-Friendly Gardens

Transform your garden into a haven for hedgehogs by making a few simple changes:

  1. Create a hedgehog highway by cutting small holes in fences or digging a tunnel beneath them to allow hedgehogs to roam freely between gardens.

  2. Avoid using pesticides and chemicals that could harm hedgehogs and their prey.

  3. Provide hedgehog-friendly food and water, such as meat-based cat or dog food and a shallow dish of fresh water.

  4. Leave wild areas in your garden where hedgehogs can forage for insects and build nests.

Safe Garden Tools

Before using lawnmowers, strimmers, or other garden tools, take a moment to check for hiding hedgehogs. A simple inspection can save lives.

Responsible Rubbish Disposal

Dispose of your rubbish properly and avoid leaving discarded containers lying around. Secure your rubbish bins and clean recyclables to minimise the risk of hedgehogs getting trapped.

Remove Hazardous Netting

Replace garden netting with solid fencing or keep it off the ground to prevent hedgehogs from getting caught.

Use Pet-Friendly Pest Control

Choose pest control methods that are safe for pets and wildlife. Encourage natural predators like hedgehogs to help manage pest populations.

Manhole and Pit Safety

Ensure that manholes, pits, and other openings are securely covered to prevent hedgehogs from falling in.

In summary, the charming British hedgehog faces a myriad of dangers in its daily life, from garden tools and discarded rubbish to poisonous substances and treacherous roads. However, we can all play a role in protecting these enchanting creatures. By making small but meaningful changes in our daily lives, such as creating hedgehog-friendly gardens, using garden tools responsibly, and practicing responsible rubbish disposal, we can make a big difference in the conservation of hedgehog populations.

The State of British Hedgehog Population in the UK

The population of British hedgehogs has been steadily declining for several decades. According to the People's Trust for Endangered Species (PTES), hedgehog numbers have fallen by 30% in urban areas and 50% in rural areas since the turn of the century. This decline is attributed to various factors, including habitat loss, increased urbanisation, and road mortality.

The conservation of hedgehogs is a shared responsibility. By raising awareness about their vulnerabilities and taking small steps to create a safer environment, we can help ensure that these iconic creatures continue to grace our gardens and landscapes for generations to come.

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It is important to note that the photos you see of hedgehogs on this website are taken while a hedgehog is in rehabilitation and DO NOT reflect the natural habit of a wild hedgehog. They are nocturnal.

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