A huge thank you to Frances from https://www.facebook.com/frizknits for very kindly knitting lots of items to raise money for the hedgehogs!
This was really kind of Frances. It take a lot of time for her to knit the wonderful creations and raise money for the hedgehogs.
Frances raised enough money to buy a brand new medical fridge for the hedgehogs in rehabilitation :D This fridge will be used to store medical supplies for the hedgehogs in rehabilitation.
Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary (http://www.hwhs.org.uk)
Follow us on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/hedgehogsanctuary)
Follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HornbeamWood)
#charity #rehabilitation #donations #wildhedgehog #hedgehog #harpenden #fundraise #love #thankyou #frizknits