It's been a pretty crazy past few weeks for me but I'm back on to the socials again!

So at some point this year there will be a wildlife documentary aired on a number of global networks, that's about all I can say really as I'm not really able to give any details.

But, a few weeks ago I had a TV crew follow me about over a few days filming as I went about my daily routines. I had several interviews and some of the hedgehogs will be famous :D At times it felt I was re-enacting the old tv film Groundhog Day :) It was a huge amount of fun and will give a nice boost to people on a global level about the plight of our hedgehogs.

I was filmed both rescuing hedgehogs from people's houses (thank you all that let the crew film you and your gardens). DON'T say anything about it in the comments! And releasing hedgehogs in to the local area, thanks to Wheathampstead Parish Council ( There were a lot of recording that you've probably never seen as it's almost impossible to film myself when I go about rescuing and releasing hedgehogs back in to the wild.

Once they tell me it's scheduled to be aired, I'll let you all know where you can watch it. There a some local areas that many of you will probably know in the documentary :)

I'd like to thank one of our volunteers, Penny Bird ( who directly helped in organsing and managing most of the initial communications and meetings with the producers. Penny is helping me with so many projects at the moment. She's a star :D

Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary (
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