Hello kind supporters!!!
We are super excited to let you all know that we have now started the construction of eight new disabled wild hedgehog gardens at the sanctuary :) Iain Begg has been taking a lead on this project and been working hard to organise the project. The Wheathampstead District Preservation Society (https://wheathampsteadpreservation.org.uk) have been lending a hand with their time to help.

These gardens will be homes to a handful of disabled hedgehogs that are blind or have sustained injuries that mean we are unable to release them fully back in to the wild. They will have a semi wild life in their own amazing hedgehog friendly gardens with minimal interference from us.

We are requesting some help with digging some small trenches (about 8 inches deep) where the walls will be slotted in to and dug in to the ground. There is also a small pile of wood chippings that would be lovely to move in to place ready for the entrance path to these new gardens. We are also looking for some help digging out a small rock pond in each of the gardens ready for them to be lined and filled with rocks.
If you have some spades and any free time on the 19th/20th/21st/22nd of March 2022 we would love some helping hands!!! If you'd like to help please email Harriet (harriet@hwhs.org.uk) with your contact number and which days, and how many hours you could come over to the sanctuary to lend a hand.

Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary (http://www.hwhs.org.uk)
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